CloudHive CloudHive

Starter Pack

$100.00 / 30 Day

  • 30% Estimated Revenue

Silver Tier

$500.00 / 30 Day

  • 50% Estimated Revenue

Gold Portfolio

$2,000.00 / 14 Day

  • 75% Estimated Revenue

Platinum Reserve

$10,000.00 / 7 Day

  • 75% Estimated Revenue

Diamond Elite

$50,000.00 / 4 Day

  • 80% Estimated Revenue

Silver Tier

$500.00 / 30 Day

  • 50% Estimated Revenue

Starter Pack

$100.00 / 30 Day

  • 30% Estimated Revenue

Gold Portfolio

$2,000.00 / 14 Day

  • 75% Estimated Revenue

Platinum Reserve

$10,000.00 / 7 Day

  • 75% Estimated Revenue

Diamond Elite

$50,000.00 / 4 Day

  • 80% Estimated Revenue

Starter Pack

$100.00 / 1 Month

  • 30% Estimated Revenue

Silver Tier

$500.00 / 30 Day

  • 50% Estimated Revenue

Gold Portfolio

$2,000.00 / 14 Day

  • 75% Estimated Revenue

Platinum Reserve

$10,000.00 / 7 Day

  • 75% Estimated Revenue

Diamond Elite

$50,000.00 / 4 Day

  • 80% Estimated Revenue

Starter Pack

$100.00 / 30 Day

  • 30% Estimated Revenue

Silver Tier

$500.00 / 30 Day

  • 50% Estimated Revenue

Gold Portfolio

$2,000.00 / 14 Day

  • 75% Estimated Revenue

Platinum Reserve

$10,000.00 / 7 Day

  • 75% Estimated Revenue

Diamond Elite

$50,000.00 / 4 Day

  • 80% Estimated Revenue

Starter Pack

$100.00 / 30 Day

  • 30% Estimated Revenue

Silver Tier

$500.00 / 30 Day

  • 50% Estimated Revenue

Gold Portfolio

$2,000.00 / 14 Day

  • 75% Estimated Revenue

Platinum Reserve

$10,000.00 / 7 Day

  • 75% Estimated Revenue

Diamond Elite

$50,000.00 / 4 Day

  • 80% Estimated Revenue


Here you can find our top frequently asked questions. Please let us know if you have any queries regarding our mining platform and FAQs.

What is Cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency is decentralized digital money, based on blockchain technology. You may be familiar with the most popular versions, Bitcoin and Ethereum, but there are more than 5,000 different cryptocurrencies in circulation, according to CoinLore.

What is crypto currency mining?

In a nutshell, cryptocurrency mining is a term that refers to the process of gathering cryptocurrency as a reward for work that you complete.

Why do people crypto mine?

For some, they’re looking for another source of income. For others, it’s about gaining greater financial freedom without governments or banks butting in. But whatever the reason, cryptocurrencies are a growing area of interest for technophiles, investors..

How can withdraw my earning balance?

Miners can withdraw their mining coins. We processed withdrawals manually so it will take more time.

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